Restoration of Older Homes 0

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Old homes often need upgrades to their electrical systems. Here’s what you need to know about getting yours rewired appropriately.

From Church Hill to the Fan and Westover Hills? Our electricians possess the trusted experience renovating and upgrading the electrical foundations of older Richmond neighborhoods.

Updating your old house’s electrical system can be challenging for even the most experienced DIY’er. Oftentimes there’s a maze of restrictions that require special permits or approval. Our electricians coordinate with local jurisdictions to determine what you can and cannot do. Where many other companies turn down small historical renovation jobs, Electric Solutions is ready and willing to jump right in.

When one considers that the major bulk of electrical appliances didn’t exist when these residences were first built – Electric stoves, washers and dryers, refrigerators, computers, etc.. It’s not hard to realize how essential upgrading these electrical systems can be for both the bottom line of your energy build and the safety of your family.